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Rista Foundation understands the needs of mentally ill or chemically dependent people. So, we offer all the required medication, psychotherapy, spiritual sessions and activities like art, crafts, games, yoga, etc. Our professionals guide them throughout to enjoy this positive environment. We bring the environment, treatment, care, empathy, and understanding in a single package to make patients feel loved and cared for.
Besides treating residential patients, Rista has an outdoor patient unit that offers medical advice and psychotherapy to patients. Senior, experienced psychiatrists and counselors give all the required treatment and advice for your patient to get better.
We have a separate and elaborate system of patient accommodation: separate floors for male and female wards. For families who want to stay with their family members, we have separate family suits. All these have required amenities for regular stay.
Rista Foundation offers day-care facilities for all residential patients comprising vocational education and training courses that increase the person's capability in certain creative forms. All these direct patients more into mainstream social life.
Each floor of the residential section has a separate common room that allows patients to watch television or socialize while playing indoor games. This also leads to mainstream social life.
Rista Foundation cares about the family members of the admitted patients, and we have a cosy visiting room for them. Patients can meet their family members from time to time there during their stay at the Foundation.
Our trained team members maintain perfect hygiene in the kitchen and pantry. They understand the patients' requirements as per their mood and how well foods and beverages can satisfy them. Their nutrition needs are always prioritized.
We have a well-protected and secure rooftop for fresh air, along with the garden area and lawn. Patients willing to get some fresh air can visit these places with proper supervision of attendants.