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Revealing the Effects of Drug Abuse and Alcohol Addiction

Revealing the Effects of Drug Abuse and Alcohol Addiction

People tend to lean towards drugs and alcohol for an easy escape from the reality. Few drinks to take the mind off from a rough day at work or a few pills to enjoy the fleeting sense of euphoria from the stressful world.

Alcohol addiction and drug abuse startlingly affect the body. All these are just temporary solutions to get rid of uncomfortable feelings. The best way to deal with this is to seek help from the best rehabilitation center in Kolkata or from a preferred location. This post talks about the effects of alcohol addiction and drug abuse on an individual.

Effects of Alcohol Addiction

The impact of alcohol addiction on the body can be physical and mental and can at times join dependence. Addiction also influences the body all around. Individuals cannot perceive the harm that drinking makes to organs inside the body, and the effects are also not visible until they are found later in life. Alcohol rehabilitation center in Kolkata helps people to get out of this addiction and to get back to normal social life.

Let’s find out how alcohol affects the internal organs of the body part from externally.


  • Heart

In the long run, alcohol addiction can debilitate the heart, and it affects how oxygen and supplements are conveyed to other vital organs in the body. In some cases, it increases the level of fatty oils and causes deadly diseases like diabetes and coronary illness.

If you know someone, seek help from the government rehabilitation centre in Kolkata to get the people to come out of the addiction. De-addiction centre in Kolkata looks after the patient, and through several programs, the individual gives up to the addiction.


  • Liver

The liver is one of the most vulnerable organs that gets the maximum damage because of alcohol consumption. The liver is responsible for separating alcohol and eliminating it from the blood. Overconsumption of alcohol slows down the ability of the liver and adds terrible fats. And not to mention, fats in the liver can cause some serious consequences in the body, apart from liver and heart. Alcohol addiction also badly and adversely impacts the brain, pancreas, skin, and many other body parts vital for our well-being.

Short Term Effects of Alcohol Addiction

One of the biggest impacts of alcohol addiction and drug abuse on an individual is that the addiction makes the person separate from the society. Social insecurity is the word that goes with all the addicted individuals t alcohol and drugs. Apart from that, they also experience certain short term effects like

  • Disgraceful changes in their thinking ability
  • Vision debilitation
  • Memory slips
  • Slurred discourse
  • Ease back relaxing
  • Lack of coordination

All these factors or effects make the person more vulnerable for society and for his/her own family members. The best way to deal with this is to seek professional help from the government or free rehabilitation centre in Kolkata, or it could be private also. The experts and caretakers will ensure that the person gets back to normal life once again.

Several research studies have stated that addiction to alcohol and drug abuse leads to some serious behavioral problems. It includes aggression, paranoia, impulsivity, and a lot more. In some cases, it also leads to changes in the overall functionality of the brain and alters the brain permanently. So, do not wait for anyone else, and seek help now.

Rista Foundation Kolkata has emerged as one of the reputed and reliable rehabilitation centers in Kolkata for alcohol addiction and drug abuse. Get in touch with the coordinators of the best rehab center in Kolkata and help your loved one or anyone you know come out from the darkness.